
Sunday, April 13, 2008

*~bless~luRv n liFe~*

im confusing...
this few days...
it is quite complicated...
[my friend]

wad strong with them?
i do try to solve it...
i wanna help them...
but i not dare to solve those things...

that's not a simple luRv...
it cant solve it easily,
im doing nothing with that...
heh heh..=P

i just pretend to be a counselor..
wad strong with everyone this month?
this month,
is it broken heart month?
y everyone,
had just broke up with their partners?

i get bless...
my friends need bless too...
need to grow up...
and know more things...
understand more
bout life that living in the messy world!~

we are just living in a planet,
that's call earth...
nothing special...
we just pass by the earth
in our journey...

we will get more experiences
in our future...
it's not easy~~

the earth will destroy
by us oneday...
the world change...
it get destroy
from every minute...

we will just blame everyone...
and will think that
not our fault...
thats human...
he heh...=P


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