
Monday, October 20, 2008

whew~i have been bz for a long time and didnt update my blog``
apologize to my bloggie frens``

[[ t i m e t o r e l a x]]~XD

my major exam had past since last friday, so is time for me to have fun in this few months and hang out with frens though~arhhh..=D
i have to go to school although my exam had ended by having some photography duty stuff! and im bored when im staying at home alone`` --games is bored--=x
i have watched a movie entitled 'mama mia' after my exam on last friday at midv~[is nice]
and i went shopping with my frens, and many else.....................bla bla bla
-it's fun for me coz i have been a long time never hang out with my frens and others-:)

im BORED``
i wanna hang out with you guys``
i wanna spend money``:p
i wanna have fun``
i wan this i wan that``

my exam ended``
my frens are free``
my frens ask me for outing``
my thing has solved``

i saw some cute stuffs and i copied it here~:)
both of the dogs cute rite?BEFORE``

AFTER``how they look like?

im FREE``

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