
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The lovers.

That was a day to remember. Because I've found love. No hurts, no pain. But something that aches your heart was that, you're gonna go. #Appreciate what you've left to encounter, appreciate every moment like there's no tomorrow, because, every second is already a gift from Him, our God. No tears, no sorrows. 

Thanks for the memories, dear. He has placed you in my life, bringing the blessings of love. 

The closests until the end of our lives. No boundaries, this is love. We have found ourselves after we met.

It's a blessing to have you. That came a love story, that color the rest of my life.

The ones that helped me through my very phase of life, the ones to have fun with & no regrets. I'm so thankful. 

We had have each other, we fight against time. Limited time together didn't stop us being together. They sprinkles the fun in the picture of my life.

We eat, we talk, we grew together physically, spiritually. (: God brought them here so we could grow together in the family of Christ.

The crazies that I'll be missing of. They are naturally grown fun, the sleepless memories with them was indeed putting a smile on my face (:

The blessing of life. We worship, we serve, the only reason is & always is, our God.

Picture is blur, mind is clear. Heart to heart, never gonna change.

A girl that God has just brought into my life, we share our thoughts our hearts. A blessing that can count on. I'm blessed, so much of love.

 She provides thoughts, hugs, prayers. She is another one that has placed to guide me through my walk in Christ. We have each other.

My childhood, my friends. Thank you :)

And most importantly, I have them. The givers, the providers, the lovers. My family.

Thank God for them

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