
Saturday, October 10, 2009

I know that You're with me.

For what things that have happened to me these days, the disturbing which really annoyed me with fear, have made me strongly build up a stronger relationship with God.

I slept late on Thursday, after the happening of fear, I do had a time with God which gave me understanding, gave me strength, gave me even more wisdom. Every thought came out of my mind, the worries, the circumstances, and they took me hours to think about, literally everything. Yes, I was scared, but in the same time, I was strong enough to shout out to God in the name of Jesus. And what make up my mind now is thing that we learned through our yesterday cell, "Prayers are Powerful."

I shared with my cell last night about the things that happened within these days, the awesome thing was i could strongly felt that there's Holy Spirit around us & I believe that God has touched each and everyone of us last night. A great thanks to my cell & leaders for the prayer that I was requesting & God really made a way for me. What he does & doing, no matter what, everything that has His purpose for us, His plans that make us a way. No matter how bad the day will be, I know I'll not have any of the bad day and every single thing will literally guide by Him with His purpose for us.

The evil ones would not harm us, even if they would, they would have fears from Our God Father and the prayers that we make. God sacrificed for us, so now as we should too fight for God. Unite everyone as one with our Awesome God. No matter how bad our sin has been, He will still willing to listen to our prayers.

Like what we could read in the book of Psalm, "Yet I'm confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I'm here in the land of the living." In this life while we're going through circumstances and trials, we should have confident that in this present life, God will still see us through. His promises that he has given us are our hopes and strength and will never hurt us. " I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me."

God's faithful help and love in times of trouble. When we face trials, God will quite our hearts and give us confidence. Every thing that we're facing, we're going through, should done by the confidence that God had given us and the prayers are all belong to Him. We should present our lives with the fullness of God's love, God's faith.

You're the one I seek.

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